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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kalki Bhagavan and Amma Bhagawan Fraud

The gods in heaven must be smiling at the leela of their avatar's on planet earth but the followers of these self proclaimed swamis are not a happy lot. In fact most of them have got that sheepish look on their faces.
Down south the Telugu News Channel are tripping over one another exposing the so called divine swamis. First one off the blocks is Kalki Bhagavan scam or Kalki Bhagavan and Amma Bhagawan Fraud.

TV9 has aired live programs in which Vijay Kumar Naidu alias Kalki Bhagavan and Amma Bhagawan are being targeted. The allegations of land grabbing, drugs, sexual escapades are making strong rounds in the ashram.
Sri Kalki Bhagavan alias Vijay Kumar was born in Arcot district, Tamil Nadu, and at various times has also used names such as Mukteshwarand Sri Bhagavan.
Bhagavan and Amma claim to be two divine beings, or Avatars. They reside at Golden City, near Chennai, in India. Their stated mission is to bring all of humanity into the Golden Age. (They had made a good start by reaching the golden state of living by fleecing people themselves)
They claim that they will fully enlighten 64,000 people in the world. These people in a highly enlightened state of communion would transform the rest of the humanity by 2012. (Talk about chain reaction and pyramid marketing. I thought that was illegal, but who cares!)
According to them, this state of enlightenment is offered to seekers through a process known as deeksha (in other words open your wallet dumbos), which is a transfer of divine energy ( to the devotee and money to the bhagwan... fair transfer) that is said to be so powerful it has the ability to break through the concepts and conditioning of our mind .
According to an ex-devotee for the darshan of Amma’s padam the devotees pay 5000 Rupees and for Special Darshan 25,000 Rupees, They took 60,000 Rupees from each devotee for Homam. ( you can touch my feet for free if you can bear the smell and I too have god in me or so I was
And for Foreigners (ah! how could they forget the cash cows of foreign lands who are looking for nirvana) they have 21 days package. And each devotee should pay entry fees. With the name of Amma Pooja the Kalki trust collected 240 Crores. Kalki trust is running 9 businesses, one of them is Real Estate which is running by Bhagvan’s son he earned nearly 3,000 crores with the company.
Another swami scam to follow soon. Keep up dudes.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Inside The False Amma & Kalki Scam
File under: Satscams and Gurus Clockin' Dollars
Recently gleaned from the GuruRatings list, an insider with the Amma/Kalki satscam supplies an all-too believable exposé of their fund-raising techniques: ‘
From a private correspondence, with identifying details omitted:
I have been associated with the cult of Sri Kalki Bhagavan (and his wife Padmavathi Amma), who positions himself as the Vishnu Avatar, and a God - although in recent years he has made his claims a little indirect, perhaps due to media criticism, and fear of ridicule.
I have served this cult for 2 year[s], attended their Deekshas, and [have] done a lot of promotion for them. I would like to bring to your notice that this cult is pressurizing its INDIAN devotees to donate large sums of wealth, if they want to remain in the good books of the disciples (dasas) who run the show, and progress further. We have even been asked to take loans (the last case was Rs 100,000 [$2,220.50 US] which is a large amount), and donate, if we don't have the money. We have been told that we can repay the loans over a few years!
From the day we join we are pressurized to bring in new people and send them for the initial 3-day deeksha (costing Rs 5000 [$110 US]). This is because to qualify for the higher level we must send 60 (now 30) people for the program. First we are told that the 3-day program will enlighten us (for only Rs 5000!), then we are told - sorry the higher process will enlighten you. So we have no option but to talk others (family, friends etc) into joining and going for the 3-day program.
Once we have sent so many people, and we find no change in us, it is very difficult to step out. I have still not told my family that I have left, for loss of face. In order to convince 60 people to go, we have to exaggerate and make tall claims. We have to create a miracle out of each little incident that happened to us (such as getting a green light on the way to work) etc. We have to keep talking of unending grace, and say things like "our whole life has changed". We are all basically sincere people, but we start telling lies without realizing it, and a time comes when we are stuck.
New people are lured in by promises of unending "grace", and then after we tell them lots of stories (most of them are just heard from others, no one has any evidence of them actually happening.), then the disciples ask them to make donations, or go for paid darshans in order to get that "unending grace". These darshans are expensive and the latest one is that we can touch Amma's feet for Rs 100,000. Prior to going for the higher process we were all told that in order for the higher process to be a great success we should make this donation. Many of us are very ordinary people, some have left our jobs to pursue a spiritual goal, so the amount is no small order.

Even the higher process (two weeks) has made no difference to anyone. Although it does seem to us, that the program for foreigners (21 days, USD 5500) has resulted in some enlightened people (such as Freddie Nielsen and Kiara Windrider - we have heard they are enlightened), however in India there is not even an attempt at spiritual growth of devotees. It is only talk of great "celestial" miracles, and enlightenment is always round the next corner, after the next darshan (donation).
Because of all the stories we perpetuate, the number of devotees has really gone up dramatically, each wondering when his turn for endless grace will come. They claim over 30 million devotees, although I don't know how this figure has been computed.
Sarlo, I write this to you primarily because I am concerned that large numbers of poor and low-income people in India are being fleeced by this cult, each hoping that his string of problems will magically vanish after a darshan or deeksha. When nothing happens their suffering increases.
We actually convince ourselves that we are happier than even before for a while after the deeksha. In that short period we are pushed to recruit more people and share our great experiences with others.
The experiences we narrate are always the tales we were told by the disciples about others who got great grace.
Please keep my name under wraps. It is not safe for me, since I have been working very actively promoting this cult, and they know that I can negatively affect them through the internet.
As nasty and dishonest as this pyramid scheme sounds, it's completely understandable. False Amma and her Kalki have got a monument to their monumental egos, the "Oneness Temple," to complete. Plus, we imagine they're in a race to establish world peace before the Maharishi gets to it first with his "Peace Palace" real-estate profiteering scheme. Being able to claim that they're the one true, peace-bringing world savior(s) will go along way toward attracting even more patsies willing to believe that psychotically grandiose "gurus" have something to offer, besides the fellowship of similarly-duped patsies with black holes where their bank accounts used to be.


  1. Please visit website for Kalki Avatar details ... 09603931638

  2. I do not wish to cast any comment on the GOD & AVTAR status of Ammabhagwan but it is beyond any doubt that Ammabhagwan have been blessed with some divine powers as scientifically supported by Eric Hoffman in his book NEW BRAIN NEW WORLD(Brain Mapping Chapter).After going through this book, you are convinced about energy transfer by way of Deekcha.


    2. Idolaters cannot go to heaven. God is one. God never asks money and not asking come to worship in kalki only. God is omnipotent and omnipresent. God listens a humble prayer from a man. Whether a person lives in US or UK or India, God can hear your prayers. Do not go to these foolish kalki..s and you will go to hell only. You people pray and search God from your home, you can find. If you knock the door of heaven, God will open His door my dear brothers and sisters. Indeed, God is love and holy. God does not need family and other filthy pleasures because HE is GOD. HE is full of holy. There is no darkness in Him. Hope you people not run after human beings...they are not GOD.

    3. Then why Tirupati Balaji is chargin Rs.300 for special darshan and other pujas charges, just commenting is of no use, dive deep, we really dont care whatever the world feels, but as an insider we know the real truth and how it is helping people across, dont waste your energies, just negating every one and everything

  3. Thanks for bringing awareness about these CRIMINALS..Right now, the so called maha purush, sri sri kalki bhagavan who claims to cure diseases miraculously is himself facing all sorts of health problems..They are trying their best to hide the facts about his health..
    The punishment for sins befalls for sure..I hope people judge things wisely and banish these crooks for ever..

  4. I had a chance once to visit their crazy devotees and their marriage rituals in early 2008. Never thought that this would have grown to this extent by now. Height of ignorance or what shall we coin this as?

  5. Beware of false prophets.In 1991 Shri Vijayakumar claimed he is god. Bhagavan soon became Kalki Bhagavan. He announced that he will change the destiny of India in 7 years. He offered 'mukti'to devotees. A few years later he inducted his wife as Amma Bhagavan who is also to be worshipped. He picks and chooses subjects from a cross section of traditional scriptures especially the bible and positions it as his. He was aided by a chief disciple known as Sankarabhagavadpada, a physicist, who seem to have left the fold for reasons best known to him. Even those days he used to say that the bhagavad dharma movement will be richer than the Rockefeller Foundation one day. People want God. They are Hungry for spiritual food. Here lies the 'business opportunity'. The gullible ones get taken for a ride.

  6. Beware of false prophets.In 1991 Shri Vijayakumar claimed he is god. Bhagavan soon became Kalki Bhagavan. He announced that he will change the destiny of India in 7 years. He offered 'mukti'to devotees. A few years later he inducted his wife as Amma Bhagavan who is also to be worshipped. He picks and chooses subjects from a cross section of traditional scriptures especially the bible and positions it as his. He was aided by a chief disciple known as Sankarabhagavadpada, a physicist, who seem to have left the fold for reasons best known to him. Even those days he used to say that the bhagavad dharma movement will be richer than the Rockefeller Foundation one day. People want God. They are Hungry for spiritual food. Here lies the 'business opportunity'. The gullible ones get taken for a ride.

  7. I want to meet them in person. What is the procedure and can anyone please provide their contact details with address and phone number and email address.

  8. srirambearingcorporation


    Please go and see what is happening there. Making & understanding something in a negative way is very easy and many people refers to it very quickly as -ve has that much power and that is not a problem.

    Just visit the place and inquire what is going on there. See,How mind of the people is transforming and talk to them how they are responding each other and with you.

    I am educated and currently working in IT industry. I too thought the same about them, but I've verified whether they are doing really wrong or right. At last, I found we are only making false assumptions without knowing the actual truth.

    I can say many examples like many big stars from tollywood, bollywood are following them but I don't.

    Please just go and verify then show me the proof I will also support. I've been in to this dharma since 20 Yrs. and seeing a great level of transformation all over the world.

    If you want the details:

    ping me to this number 8297175629 or send an email to

    This is not a challenge but gentle request.


    1. Hi, Dear Vishwak Kurapati, As I am not against any of our saints or Gods. However, I would like to share my personal experience about the amma bhagvan 's false commitment given by the existing devotees. One of the devotees came to me through my friend circle & started convince me about the all programmes & their benefits. So, recently as per his commitment I had booked Havan programme at Satylok, Kuppam at cost of Rs.8250/-. According to him, he assured me that after performing this havan at Satylok, my problems will be definitely solved in all aspects, as well as will be grow my property such as money, land, children's education, family health, improving relations, etc. However, after passing 1.5 months I didn't see any positive things in my life. So, I asked him about this one. He told me that I will not get any positive result in a single HAVAN & asked to join another 3-4 HAVANS for blessing of amma bhagavan. Now, question is how I can believe such type of highly expensive programmes after performing devotionly didn't get a single benefit??????

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I have personally met them a number of times and seen problems like education and jobs getting sorted with one blessing .. financial aspects have also been solved .. sometimes u ha e to wait a bit longer .. but the blessing never fails .. Their spiritual teachings are amazing and what they teach you about respecting your parents is superb .. I think let us not comment & let us give ourselves a chance for a fair experience. We go to temples and mosques .. we offer prayers flowers milk etc .. on special days we offer milk and ask for boons .. when things don’t happen or take a little longer to happen .. do we say there is no god or do we stop going to temples or performing our prayers ? It is faith which keeps us going. No faith nothing will happen

    1. Sir faith keeps us going but why must we have faith in that havan costing Rs8250 and not giving results even after 1.5 months huh? When we go to temples we offer milk, coconut and various other things to god but it does not cost us more than 1000 rather more than 500. Ppl quitting jobs and believing in miracles I get it it is their fault of dececivness in their part and I even truly understand that you are also one of them who is "FORCED" to believe in this but I believe Sir that if he was really a god or atleast a supernatural man he could have stopped this on internet. UK what "fake saints r causing innumerable damage to our nation rather world in form of unemployment. Tell me something Sir please reply me regarding this when we have so many Faith's mentioned in The Holy Gita, The Holy Quran, The Holy Bible, The Holy Hebrew (jewish holy text) and the teachings of gurdwara why not believe them. Dude you know what I understand ppl need to modify rituals of these holy books with time and needs but the facts written in them ain't wrong the origins of mordern science is bcz of veda. Okay so enough ok random talks but now answer this and I will believe you let alone transfer $20000000 into ya account asap if the answer is appropriate. I have asked this question to many ppl but only saints can answer. So the question is there are 4 ages according to hindu literature, every age has an epic assigned to it or written by diff authors which we all know bout so tell me if this is kali yug and if our so called shri amma bhavan is the god then what is the story of the epic buh? why did he not end kali why is there still so much of nunciance going on earth like damn u ppl for the shits u say but still answer this and do it fast give me reason why ur "kalki avatar could stop glacier melting" and why did he start his teachings at the age of 80 I guess he is an oldie ask him to rest he will meet only one god and that is yama devta oh his death bed sweetie❤🤗. His souls wont turn into particles and mix with the earth rather be turned into ashes and then flowed In to one of those sacred river c'mon buddy give me the proof that he is a real god of his miracles and I will believe you. If u wanna contact me then contact me on . U know what I am a generous person 🤷‍♀️🤗so I will wait for ur email until 2 days and if I won't receive any then this will be all over social media 😈with some other files of my own and other ppl. I hope u get that 😊. Remember ur devotee of amma bhavan so be polite😉.

  12. one day these people behind bar i knw that

  13. All this is present in shrimad bhagwatGITA.All this spiritual Knowledge is spread by brahmakumaris also for free.u can also get it by sandip maheshwari in practical way on youtube.Yes definately it is true that all of us having a soul and when we realise it.make ur wish it will be fulfilled soon.Its just self belief. Believe in yourself.all of this is within u only.No need to go anywhere.
    I genuinely recommend Brahmakumaris and spiritual videos by sandeep Maheshwari on Youtube. As this all knowledge is FREE.please go through it u will b definately know who u r and what is healer within.
    Thank u if anyone have doubt ask me for free as a friend.

  14. One more thing very important. All this knowledge is from Upanishedas.These spiritual gurus only expand it in their ways to earn.This knowledge is in very deep in upnishadas so as normal person cant understand what is this. Learn GITA 10 times it is simple version of upnishedas.Gita is just one part of it.

  15. KALKI, the reformer has incarnated in Kerala, visit It has been proved in astrology and nadi palm leaves which is read by A. Sivaswamy, vaitheeshwaran koil

    1. Idolaters cannot go to heaven. God is one. God never asks money and not asking come to worship in kalki only. God is omnipotent and omnipresent. God listens a humble prayer from a man. Whether a person lives in US or UK or India, God can hear your prayers. Do not go to these foolish kalki..s and you will go to hell only. You people pray and search God from your home, you can find. If you knock the door of heaven, God will open His door my dear brothers and sisters. Indeed, God is love and holy. God does not need family and other filthy pleasures because HE is GOD. HE is full of holy. There is no darkness in Him. Hope you people not run after human beings...they are not GOD.

  16. Idolaters cannot go to heaven. God is one. God never asks money and not asking come to worship in kalki only. God is omnipotent and omnipresent. God listens a humble prayer from a man. Whether a person lives in US or UK or India, God can hear your prayers. Do not go to these foolish kalki..s and you will go to hell only. You people pray and search God from your home, you can find. If you knock the door of heaven, God will open His door my dear brothers and sisters. Indeed, God is love and holy. God does not need family and other filthy pleasures because HE is GOD. HE is full of holy. There is no darkness in Him. Hope you people not run after human beings...they are not GOD.

  17. Believe in yourself. No religion No God God is a farce.
